Saturday, February 24, 2007

Can someone please pick me up?
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad and Gong Hay Fat Choy

Here I am celebrating Dad's 30th Birthday, which also happened to be the Chinese Lunar New Year this past Sunday.

My grandparents came over to visit, along with my Aunt and Uncle, and we had a small party...i slept through most of it, but I made sure to be awake for the grand cake cutting, and blowing of the candles.
Can't wait till its my birthday!

- Alexander
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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Never quite prepared....

Nothing seems to really quite prepare you for the physical and emotional toll that taking care of a newborn places on you. Yes, everyone told us that its an exhausting job, where peace, quiet, and sleep become the most scarce and precious of all commodities. Everything takes a toll...the constant diaper changes, waking up at 3am, the lack of free time for yourself, running to Walmart to pick up extra diapers, cleaning of poop and pee, the fact that you can't just go out anywhere you want, eating in shifts with your wife...the list goes on....

However, nothing quite prepares you for that utter sense of joy and amazement when seeing your newborn for the first time out of the operating room after your wife has just gone through a C section. And then nothing prepares you for how unbelievably proud you feel when the nurses announce, "Congratulations, this is your son!" Nothing prepares you for the happiness you feel when your newborn opens their eyes for the first time and locks eyes with yours, or when they crack a smile (even though it might just be a muscle reflex). Nothing prepares you for the laughter when your newborn passes gas (and its louder than mom's!!), or when your baby pees all over you as he is weighed at the doctor's office. Nothing prepares you for the sense of satisfaction you feel when you can figure out exactly why your baby is crying and then make him stop.

I don't think anything will quite prepare us for what's to come in the days, weeks and years ahead...but I am certain that it will all be worth it.

Monday, February 5, 2007

And the winner is...

Now that we're home, we just wanted to thank all of our family and friends who visited us at the hospital, and sent us e-mails and messages. We're so grateful for your support. As for the baby pool, Alexander apologizes for giving such short notice. :) But give him credit, he did give everyone at least 24 hours! heheh. But to be fair, if we ignore the date and time, and run the entries through Dad's analysis spreadsheet (because he's an engineer), the winner of the Baby Pool is...(drum roll please).... Auntie Jenny who predicted a Boy, 6 lbs 9 oz, and a length of 19.3 inches. Alexander's actual stats were 6 lbs 4 oz and 19.7 inches. A close second was Cousin Nat who guessed 6lbs 13 oz, 19.5 inches. (Side note - If Uncle Francois had guessed Boy instead of Girl he would have won the pool hands down with a guess of 6 lbs 3 oz, 19.3 inches). Congratulations Auntie Jenny! And thanks to everyone who participated!!!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Home sweet home....

Mom and Dad took me home yesterday afternoon. I wasn't very happy when they put me in the car seat for the first time. That thing was not built for comfort. But after playing with the straps for a bit, they figured out a position that I was comfortable in. The ride home was pretty boring. Dad drove home really slowly. When I arrived home, I was fed, then I took a nap. Two hours later, I was fed, then I took a nap. Two hours later...I was get the picture. In the evening, both sets of grandparents, my auntie and my uncles came over to visit me. Despite all the noise, I slept most of the time as they passed me around to each other. Occasionally I'd open my eyes, even though it hurt to open them, and then they'd start cheering. By 11pm Mom and Dad had fallen asleep while Auntie Shaya, Uncle Paul and Uncle Jim were looking after me. Auntie Shaya woke Mom up and she put me to bed. I only had to wake her up twice during the night to come feed me. I thought I'd start them easy, the second night might be different.

By the way, Dad posted more pictures...including my first bath in the hospital. Hope you enjoy them.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Welcome Alexander Patrick Sy

Alexander Patrick Sy was born on January 31st at 10:53am, weighing in at 6lbs 4 oz, and 19.7 inches long. Alexander entered the world after 7 hrs of labour and an emergency Caesarean. But thanks to a team of awesome doctors and nurses, Mom and Alexander are doing great now. We'll share more details in due time, but all we have to say is that seeing your first child born is an experience like no other. What a rush! In the mean time, enjoy some of the pictures.