In case you haven't heard, Baby Sy #2 could arrive any day now. And to allow others to share in our excitement as expectant parents, we have brought back the (in)famous Sy Baby Pool!! Some of you will remember happened during the first baby pool. And while history could repeat itself, hopefully there's still time for most of you to participate before the baby decides to make an early entrance into the world!
With out further ado...
1. Click on the comments link at the bottom of this post
2. Enter your guess:
weight:6 lbs 4 oz
length: 19.7 inches
date: January 31, 2009
time: 10:53 am
3. Don't forget your name too!
4. If you have problems you can also e-mail your entry to
FYI, the official due date is February 10, 2009, and we're expecting a GIRL! (Well at least according to our 3D ultrasound done at 25 weeks)
The closest guess wins supreme bragging rights! Good Luck!